Nexa Monthly Newsletter — December 2024: A New Chapter in Scaling and Atomic Secret Exchange (ASE)

December has been a big month for Nexa. Andrew Stone introduced Atomic Secret Exchange (ASE) and Private NFTs while Peter Rizun had a presentation on the New Chapter in Scaling. We are taking a new approach aligning mining algorithms with transaction verification.

Nexa Overview

Andrew Stone - Lead Developer of Nexa and founder of Bitcoin Unlimited provided his insights and laid the foundation for how Nexa is transforming traditional blockchain usability and scalability, and introduced coming innovations on Nexa.

We are still working on Satoshi’s vision and initial Bitcoin source code for many years, however, Nexa technological capabilities far surpass those of the first version of Bitcoin, - it is usable, scalable and programmable.

-Nexa is fairly launched programmable electronic cash with Bitcoin-like coin tokenomics and halving cycles.
-Nexa is built as a financial blockchain with smart contracts capabilities.
-Nexa has native tokens and the Nexa blockchain is an atomic exchange itself.
-Nexa uses a UTXO-based model allowing transactions to run in parallel which makes it scalable.
-Nexa does not have risks like maximum-extractable value (MEV) or blind signing problems.

Atomic Secret Exchange (ASE) and Private NFTs

First-of-its-kind decentralized exchange which Andrew Stone introduced at the Australian Crypto Convention.

  • A trustless, permissionless and decentralized system without any smart contracts for trading assets.
  • Allows private, verifiable exchanges without the need for intermediaries, setting a new standard for decentralized exchanges.
  • Incorporates advanced cryptography as Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange and Schnorr Signatures.

Make sure to watch the full video of Andrew Stone’s speech to learn more details about Nexa and Atomic Secret Exchange with Private NFTs. It is another stepping stone into a new-generation innovative blockchain - built just like it was meant to.

Watch presentation on YouTube:

Listen to Spaces:

Cryptocurrency-Specific Integrated Circuits

Peter Rizun - Nexa Chief Scientist and Bitcoin Unlimited Secretary brought the future of blockchain to life with his presentation on Cryptocurrency-Specific Integrated Circuits. His presentation outlined a new chapter in blockchain scaling through hardware innovation. Peter is building a hardware-first approach that will redefine blockchain technology.

  • Nexa aims to build hardware nodes that perform the same functions as software but are significantly faster, more reliable and energy-efficient.
  • ASICs for blockchain validation could handle millions of transactions per second while reducing costs and energy consumption.

The Nexa-PoW ASIC

Peter introduced the concept of the Nexa-PoW ASIC - a microchip designed to combine transaction validation and mining.

  • Processes 1 million transactions per second using 32 parallel transaction validation engines.
  • Links mining efficiency directly to transaction validation, ensuring scalability and security.
  • Supports innovations like quantum-resistant signature schemes without requiring network hard forks.

Nexa is developing a hardware-accelerated full node that uses a compact, reconfigurable chip (FPGA + ASIC) to process transactions faster than ever. Peter described this as a step toward a blockchain future where global-scale throughput is achievable.

Watch on YouTube:

Listen to Spaces::

Nexa Whitepaper Review

The Nexa Whitepaper underscores the Nexa mission to become the most useful sound money. Fairly launched, highly parallel and scalable UTXO-family permissionless proof-of-work blockchain that is committed to pushing Satoshi’s technology forward in a dramatic manner.

  • Fixed supply - ensuring soundness and stability. But if the satoshi ever becomes too large, the supply schedule must not be changed to create more. Instead, more decimal places will be added.
  • Utility beyond money - we are committed to adopting innovations as they are conceived to keep Nexa on the forefront of usefulness.
  • Adaptability - in expanding Layer-1 functionality, Nexa has gained the capability of doing L2-style contracts. So on the Nexa blockchain, the market may choose the better technology.

The whitepaper reveals Nexa philosophy of integrating proven technologies into a unified superior blockchain based on ethos and Satoshi’s vision of peer-to-peer electronic cash.

Read the full whitepaper:

Looking Ahead

December has set the stage for an exciting 2025 with Nexa creating innovative blockchain technologies through Atomic Secret Exchange (ASE) and hardware solutions as Blitz. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

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