NexaPixelWall - Web Game


What is it ?

NexaPixelWall is a little game inspired by the r/place event.
It’s a 128*128 pixel wall and you can chose any pixel of the wall and change its color. This app was created to test multiple aspects of Nexa blockchain (smart contracts, wallet integration, NexID, Rostrum,…) and to stress test the network by creating huge number of transactions if there are enough players.

How does it work ?

  • Each pixel is linked to a P2PKH smart contract which are all instanced at the server init.
  • Each color is represented by a token. For now, there are 8 colors, so 8 different tokens.
  • Each time a player change a pixel color, the server send a transaction to the pixel smart-contract to reclaim its current color token and store it in a “master” smart-contract.
  • Then, server send a transaction to the master smart-contract to send the new color token on the pixel smart contract.

unfortunately I could not finish in time. I still have a lot of work to integrate all my ideas and the project is half-working at this moment.

So… What works and what remains to be done ?

Done :

  • Basic UI
  • Rostrum Integration
  • P2PKH smart-contracts + Automatic instantiation
  • Color Tokens

Work In Progress :

  • Need some work on transactions to change pixel colors
  • Integration of NexId to allow playing directly with Wally Wallet
  • Integration of “Account-type” wallets for players without Wally Wallet
  • Automatic refill smart-contracts with Nexas when it balance becomes too low.

To be done :

  • Integration of Rostrum notifications for performance optimization
  • New UI
  • Increase the wall size if there is enough player
  • Add new colors
  • And more…

I hope I could show you an open-beta next week so stay tuned ! :wink:

Github : NexaPixelWall


Hey Nexa Fam !
I just made an update on my game and pushed it on Github.

Done ;

  • Pixel Update
  • Automatic refill smart-contracts with Nexas when it balance becomes too low

The only thing missing for my public Beta-Test is a notification system to automatically update users interface when a pixel is updated by someone.

I plan to put a first open beta online in the next days. (In 24-48 hours if everything goes well)

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