Week 38: Nexa News – Learn NexScript and Wally Update

Week 38: Nexa News – Learn NexScript and Wally Update

Wally Wallet Android Update 3.3.3 Released

Wally Wallet has rolled out its latest 3.3.3 update for Android users bringing important fixes and improvements:

  • Resolved navigation bar issues caused by recent Android API changes.
  • Fixed app performance issues, especially for users with larger wallets or slower devices.

Make sure to update your Wally Wallet app to enjoy a smoother user experience. You can download and update here.

Understanding NexScript Smart Contracts on Nexa

In this article we explained how NexScript Smart Contracts function through the Template Model. This innovative approach separates contract logic from key parameters, offering benefits in security, flexibility, and reusability. Unlike traditional Ethereum-based contracts, Nexa’s UTXO-based network ties smart contracts directly to UTXOs, offering developers unique opportunities and challenges.

Article walked through creating a time-locked contract, demonstrating how the NexScript language simplifies smart contract development. This model makes it easier to build complex contracts like covenant contracts and opens up the ability to verify contracts via template hashes.

For a more technical reading you can refer to the full article and start experimenting with NexScript on testnet playground before deploying to mainnet.

ScriptQuest Developer Challenge Winners Announced

Nexa recently concluded its ScriptQuest developer challenge which took place from August to September - tasking participants to create innovative use cases using NexScript smart contracts language. After weeks of building we’re excited to announce the winners:

Congratulations to all the winners! That’s all for this week! Keep building and stay updated with the latest developments. :nexa: